Survival Tips
Search and Rescue Manitoba stress the importance of planning in order to experience a safe and enjoyable outdoor adventure. Take the time to plan your route, using maps, and to make sure that you have all of the equipment you may need. Most importantly, do not forget to tell a responsible person where and when you are going and when they should expect you back.
Along with our partners, The Search and Rescue Manitoba (SARMAN) Volunteer Association provide documents to help you plan your wilderness trip. These documents are guides and are not to be replaced with approved and appropriate courses in outdoor survival, navigation, first aid, CPR or emergency procedures. Planning, experience and education are essential for any outdoor excursion. For additional resources please visit the sites of our partners.
Trip Plan Form
Use this handy form to list your departure, travel plans, when you expect to return, and what equipment you are taking.
Survival Card
A handy pocket card with information on planning a trip, and what to do if you become lost. Print and carry this in your personal survival kit.